Contact Us

We love hearing from you!

Perhaps you have read the FAQ and About pages yet still have a question, or you just want to tell us how much you love your Totter + Tumble playmat... Here is how:

If you have a question about our playmats or anything at all, pop us an email to so we can keep in touch with you and can send you the direct links you may need. You may even get through to our British team! You can also use the form below.

If you have a query about a delivery that is taking place, or should have, you may want to call us on  706-553-7659. Our team are on the phones 9am-3pm Monday-Friday.
Contact Totter and Tumble


Totter + Tumble LLC is a Delaware registered company, and our warehouse sends out your Totter + Tumble Playmats out of Chattsworth Road, Midland, Georgia, 31820